Saturday, December 10, 2011

I love this time of year!

There really is something wonderful about Christmas time.  There is all the anticipation leading up to "the big day", the shopping, the thinking about what you can get people that will make them happy... while it can sometimes be very challenging, it is such a *nice* frustration. 

This year like the last 2 years, I've had the joy of being a Santa's helper elf at the Christmas party at my work and prior to that the other elf and I went around delivering the invitations.  And we always get the question - do they pay you more to dress like that?  No, "they" don't.  They don't actually even ask us.. we just do it, because it feels good to bring people that little touch of holiday spirit.

My youngest daughter seemed so proud when she came to the party and saw that I was Santa's helper.  I took a break from Santa's side when my family showed up and took them around to the various activity centers.  She hugged my red and green leg almost the whole time and beamed up at me from time to time.   She was a little unhappy when I said I wasn't coming home with them right then, but she understood when I told her that Santa needed me to go back and help him some more. 

I think I have the best job at the holiday party.  I get to see the expressions of wonder and magical belief on kids faces as they come in to get their picture with Santa and tell him what they want for Christmas.  Then I hand them a treat bag and candy cane and the next one comes up.  Plus there are the funny reactions.. like sisters around five years old scream and whimper and scramble away to hide under a table...  really?  I give them a bag and candy cane even though they don't come within 15 feet of Santa.  They even seem mildly concerned about me... a cute elf giving them candy.  I also make sure Santa is okay.  I'm sure he gets hot in his suit with kids climbing on him, so I get water for him (with a straw).  And as kids hand him stuff, I offer to hold it for him (like all their letters and cookies and stuff).  If it were a viable option I think I wouldn't mind being a Santa's Helper elf full-time.

If I had enough clothes and had some thought that my elfiness would make people happy everyday, I would probably do it.  But I think at my work anyway they'd just get used to it and I'd be that weird lady who dresses like an elf everyday.  Last year I settled with wearing atleast a little bit of red and green everyday between the Christmas party and the last day of work.  And not just like a holiday pin, but mostly like a green shirt and red sweater.  Or red shirt with a green camisole underneath.  The holiday party was too early this year and because of my surgery I'm a little more limited on my clothing options so I won't be able to do that, but I'll find some way.. so far I exchanged my work issued lanyard for glittery red and green ribbon to hold my work ID badge, and cut a little holiday hat off a cartoon foam sticker and put it on my head on my ID.

I still have a ton of shopping to do and feel like I'm running out of town, and it's stressful every year to coordidnate time with of all of the family.  And it is so much like a wedding.. ALOT of planning and work for an event that lasts a few hours... that we do EVERY YEAR.  But it's worth it.